Advanced Honors Application

About The Advanced Honors Program

We are pleased to provide you with the application to be considered for admission to the Advanced Honors Program, where students are offered enhanced educational opportunities suited to their talents as well as assistance in creating unique educational experiences that meet their goals. The Advanced Honors Program is an integral part of the University Honors College, which has graduated some of UB's finest students - true pioneers who have gone on to excel at top graduate and professional programs and carve out remarkable careers. Additionally, the Honors College has recently moved into a newly renovated and expanded space that includes a student lounge, formal conference room and state-of-the-art classrooms.

We find those students most successful in the Advanced Honors Program have four or more semester remaining before graduation (including the semester they are currently enrolled in when applying).


Should you have any questions concerning the Advanced Honors Program, please contact Jessica Seabury directly at or (716)-645-3020.

All decisions regarding Honors College admission are final and are not subject to appeal.


In order to use the online Advanced Honors application you need to create an account. Please fill in the form below, each field is required. Once your account is created you will receive an email with your temporary password to use at login.